Important Dates

  • Monday, 14 August 2017: Deadline for submissions
  • Friday, 18 August 2017: Author Notifications
  • Monday, 28 August 2017: Final Manuscript Submission

The ISS Doctoral Symposium is a forum in which Ph.D. students can meet and discuss their work with each other and a panel of experienced Interactive Surface researchers in an informal and interactive setting.

Students should submit a paper that describes: the problem that the thesis aims to address; the broad approach and how it builds upon and goes beyond the most central of relevant previous work; the work completed and the plan for the full dissertation work; and open questions/issues for discussion and/or what you want to get out of participation in the symposium. Completed work may be presented as an overview or highlighting a particularly important part in depth.

Doctoral Symposium papers will be published in the ISS conference companion distributed at the conference.

Each submission will be reviewed by both DC chairs to assess its suitability for the DC, as well as additional expert reviewers when necessary. This will be based on whether the work is sufficiently mature to present but still early enough for the student to benefit from the feedback and experience.

Quick Links


  • Student Application: Extended abstract and draft poster

    Every submission should include both an extended abstract (no more than six pages in ACM landscape format) and a draft poster design. You may also submit a video and you are encouraged to do so if this clarifies the work, as is often the case in ISS interfaces. The extended abstract should be in the 2014 SIGCHI extended abstract format. (Note that this format utilizes the "Lastname, F.M." author-name reference style, not the more recent "Firstname M. Lastname" convention.). You can download Word and LaTeX templates from the sigchi website.

    Submissions should be converted to PDF and emailed directly to by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on August 14th 2017.

    Note: where video or poster submissions are too large to be emailed, please provide access via an online folder e.g., Dropbox.

    Submissions must include a draft poster design, also in PDF format. This does not need to be a complete final version, but should give a sense of what is to be presented and allow for constructive feedback on the design and content. The doctoral symposium posters are intended for display along with the other posters at the conference, and so should follow the same guidelines as described here: Posters will be shown during the main ISS poster session, and will not be used during the doctoral symposium itself.

    Submissions (both abstract and poster) should not be anonymised for review.

  • Supporting letter from lead supervisor

    In addition, a supporting letter from the lead supervisor should be emailed directly to This should indicate support for your application to the Doctoral Symposium and that they agree that your research is at an appropriate stage for participation. It should also indicate how you and other students might benefit from your participation in the colloquium.

Doctoral Symposium Co-Chairs

Geraldine Fitzpatrick, TU Wien
Andy Wilson, Microsoft Research

The panel will provide advice about completing a doctorate degree, and about the job search which follows, both in academia and in industry.