We invite researchers and practitioners working in the field of interactive surfaces and spaces to submit workshop proposals for ISS 2017. ISS Workshops provide a unique opportunity to discuss ideas, challenges and new work around more specific topics in the area interactive spaces and surfaces. We welcome proposals from a large variety of topics and domains. Examples topics include but are not limited to:
All workshops will take place on October 17, 2017 (one day before the start of the conference) and will run for either half a day or the full day. Workshop organizers will receive one complimentary conference registration and one or two complimentary workshop registrations (one for half-day, two for full-day workshops). Workshops can be open (free to anyone who registered for it) or closed (attendees need to submit position papers). Please indicate the length and type of workshop in your proposal (see below).
We request a short proposal (up to 4 pages, excluding references) in the SIGCHI Extended Abstracts publication format as well as an additional information sheet about the particular workshop requirements (1 page).
Please include the following information in your 4-page workshop proposal:
Please include one additional information page (in addition to the 4-page proposal) with the following information:
Please submit the workshop proposal using the ISS Precision Conference system by the deadline on May 26, 2017.
Workshop organizers are expected to organize and facilitate all proposed workshop activities. We suggest the page limit for workshop papers to be 4-6 pages excluding references using the 2016 SIGCHI Extended Abstracts publication format , but it is up to the organizers to make this decision.
Workshop organizers will be asked to :
Audrey Girouard, Carleton University
Uta Hinrichs, University of St Andrews, UK
Kening Zhu, City University of Hong Kong